This right here is our baby y'all. This is Mamba. He is an American Bully. In this pic he was 5 weeks old. Mamba has a unique story, alil sad too. He was actually only 1 of 2 that made it from his liter of 7. His mother actually became pregnant early and in turn had a complicated labor which turned into a c-section. 5 of his siblings didn't make it. And even tho due to his parents not supposed to have been mating that early his cute self was produced and we just couldn't pass him up. He isn't for breeding he is just our family pet, but we treat him as if he was a show dog. We think he has that potential given his unfortunate circumstance we weren't able to obtain his full pedigree but we will love him like no other! btw his mother is of razor edge blood and his father was a blue bully.. He came out what we call a Ticked Blue Brindle, so cute! He's gonna be a Beauty & a Beast.